Thursday, September 30, 2010
Interest free debt consolidation
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bigger prospect of sukuk
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Islamic Debt bond Market
Sukuk bond market demand continue rising after its arrival. The main reason behind the increase in the sukuk demand is devaluation of market value of the dollar and recession in US economy.
Most of the petroleum exporting country are investing there surplus in US bond market but after 2000 when the US dollar market value continue depreciated and the US economy faces lots of problem and there is continue rising of the US fiscal debt than there is a big problem arises for the OPEC investor and they think that they loss there reserve market value.
Euro would give another option to the investor, but euro unable to become the close competitor of the US dollar.
Islamic finance today is led predominantly by sukuk(plural of sak) bonds; sukuk is an Arabic word which means “certificates.” In its simplest form, sukuk are analogous to assets-backed securities which provide an investor ownership right of an investor ownership right of an assets. The most important criteria for the issuance of sukuk are the existence of the underlying assets on the balance sheet of the issuing entity, which distinguishes sukuk from conventional bonds. Unlike the conventional bond, which is a contract debt obligation entitling the holder to receive interest as well as principals on specified dates, a sukuk holder enjoys proportionate share in the revenues generated by the sukuk assets as in the proceeds of the realization of the underlying assets. Another distinguishing feature of a sukuk is that in cases where certificates represent a debt to the holder, such certificates will not be trade-able in the secondary market and instead is held till the maturity period or sold at par. Moreover, adherence to strict Shari’ah rule, which prohibits speculation, prevents Islamic investors from using conventional hedging tools such as interest rate swaps, forwards or options to offset fluctuations in interest rate and currencies. In last couple of years, the Islamic bond market has undergone huge expansion, partly boosted by the oil-driven financial liquidity in the Gulf and the rapidly growing number of Muslims seeking more religiously-sanctioned products. However, the western world too has begun several banks
Insurance and pension funds, particularly from Europe, entering the fray, with the aim to tap the boom in the Gulf economies led by soaring profits on the back of strong oil prices during the past five years.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Credit Repair after bankruptcy

Repair Credit after bankruptcy is hard but it can be done.You need to create a good transaction history to apply for the credit card.Try to avoid bankruptcy because its badly affect on your credit score, but it don't mean you can loss everything after bankruptcy.
Try to avoid unnecessary expenses or postpone the unwanted expenses for future.Try to use cash for most of the transaction.First you can prepare the monthly budget for your income and expenses this help you to get the actual picture of your financial condition.
You can apply for the secured credit card where you need to deposit a specific amount with the issuing company as a guarantee deposit.This deposit is work as your credit limit.
This guarantee money is refunded when you make a good transaction history with the bank.
Its very easy to get the personal loan or car loan and the installment payment for your loan is also measure for your credit history.If you have made all your installment payment on time than this will go in your favor.
You can apply for store card, this is the secure credit card. Getting the unsecured credit card is the last step.
If you can create a good credit history by paying all you installment on time and there is no default history than you can apply for the unsecured credit card. If you rejected than apply on next half of the financial period.
These are the steps for repair credit after bankruptcy, but if you control your unwanted expenses than sure you don't need to face the problem of bankruptcy.
Future financial condition is not predecide but at least you need to make proper arrangement that if there is any adverse condition arises tan what is your backup support o get out of the financial crunch.
Many time people select the the big installment option for payment of there loan and try to come out of the debt as soon as possible, but when they select the big installment option they donĂ¢€™t assume there future uncertain financial condition. Suppose your monthly income is $20000 and your mortgage installment is $10000 and due to some reason there is medical bill come $ 50000 ,or you got married or you become a father than your monthly expenses increases and you cannot be able to afford the huge installment payment. This is better than you can fix your installment 40% of your income to avoid these circumstances.
You made all your A to Z expenses with card so, you made a huge expenses on different payment.Try to avoid unwanted expenses or make the cash payment when there is small transaction and always try to use your resource by planned manner. Budget is the best way to control your unwanted expenses.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Russian Economy dependence reduce on petroleum

The banking sector is dominated by the state-owned players Sberbank and VTB. Experts opine that the Russian government’s banking model is required to be a mixed banking model is required with dominant role for several state-owned banks competing with strong private and foreign banks. Ideally, In the coming days, There may be some consolidations or tie-ups with strong private and foreign banks. The recently reported Russia-based Ros bank and France’s Societe generale merger is in the right direction. So far, the largest M&A deals are in oil and gas, metals and mining industries. Although, the FDI in Russia is still much lower, It is ahead of Japan and Canada.
Russia may achieve dynamic economy status as the country is slowly moving away from oil dependency. Besides, the recent entry of Russia in the WTO may attract more foreign competitors to the Russian market. However, much depends on the public and the private sectors to effectively act as intermediaries for the demand and supply to determine the shape of Russia’s medium term future, economically and politically. To join the world as a competitive partner, Russia should capitalize on its resources and boost its economic development. However, global experience reveals that natural resources may turn out to be a curse, rather than a blessing. More ever, the increasing corruption level may hamper Russia’s economic diversification. Adnan Vatansever, Associate Fellow at the Institute for the Analysis of Global security (IAGS) warns, “Undoubtedly, Russia has emerged as one of the world’s primary energy suppliers today. Its increasing reliance on natural resources, however, raises questions essential for Russia’s future evolution as well as its international role.